There is nothing more important than keeping our students, teachers, and school communities safe, secure, and focused on teaching and learning. Oktaha Public Schools teams, including Emergency Management, Campus Resource Officer, Facilities, and Information Technology, are always working to keep students and staff safe. We also work closely with the Muskogee Health Department, Muskogee Fire Department, and Muskogee Police and County Sheriff’s Departments. Our school safety strategies include:
- Exterior doors at schools are locked at all times. Most entrances are two-layer secured;
- Visitors are only allowed to enter through the main school entrance and must identify themselves and the purpose of their visit;
- Interior and exterior cameras at school and on buses;
- All Oktaha Public Schools employees are required to wear ID badges;
- Schools complete fire, tornado, and intruder/lockdown drills multiple times a year and practice other safety procedures on a regular basis;
- A full-time Resource Officer as well as patrolling officers throughout the day;
- Annual safety training available to all Oktaha Public Schools employees